Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stitch to Patch

When the email on Web2.0 was received, I was QUIET, observing for a period with amusement the murmurings among fellow colleagues: some took it in a stride the carrot and stick directives, some with resistance, some with for me?  My reaction was a mix of to join the band of bloggers or not to join...I pondered over the matter for about 2 weeks, pulled off two books from of the Library shelf and read a bit about of the Blog. The main problem I am facing  is the time, which I am sure is one of the common prolems faced by some.  However I have recalled some good training I have  had received before wrt time management and I also convinced  myself that it is a Stitch & Patch technology exercise for me...Yes, I love the real stitcching and patchwork I have learnt, so if I can find time to do this needlework, I am sure with enough time, the end result of this course is gong to add more colours to  the tapestry of my life. 


  1. It's great you decided to join the 'band of bloggers'

  2. Hello there, I think you are doing great, well done!
