Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FJORDS Norway - Views from Hardanger.

I was interested to get a Teach-yourself online video clip on learning the Hardanger needlework as part of the Web 2.0 Lesson on Online Video. Then my search for a video clip to be embedded, I came across this video clip Fjords Norway - Views from Hardanger  with soothing music. It has nothing to do with the needlework I was keen to have, relating to my passion in needlework, but I was enchanted by the views and the background music that   I decided to download it.  It reminded me my very short sojourn to Norway in my youth some  decades ago, when I was too poor to join any conducted tours, let alone on a luxurious cruise trip when I mapped my home trip from USA with 2-day stopover in Oslo, holding the then US$5 dollar-a-day type of travel guidebook in hand, finding my way to the famous   Winter Olympic sky spot, listed as must not miss landmark for tourists! Now with this free online video clip, I can enjoy seeing the scenes of Norway in the air con. Library, far far away from the actual spot of Norway, better still without having to spend  a penny to fly to such faraway beautiful country! Yes, online videos are useful to allow people to  imagine they are in fairylands at times, especially for many house-bound less fortunate people, young and old, who can't afford to make on site visits owing to many limitations in their lives.  I have to thank the generosity of many many contributors who  have kind hearts to make them available to the world to see.  Free educational online videos can enrich a person's life depending on one's interests.  

Talking about kind hearts, I can't help to quote   Helen Steiner Rice's beautiful poem:

"Heart Gifts": -

It's not the things that can be bought
that are life's richest treasure,
It's just the little "heart gifts"
that money cannot measure...
A cheerful smile, a friendly word,
a sympathetic  nod
Are priceless little treasures
from the storehouse of our God...
They are the things that can't be bought
with silver or with gold,
For  thoughtfulness and kindness
and love are never sold...
They are the priceless things in life
for which no one can  pay,
And the giver finds such recompense
in giving them away.

With Christmas just around the corner, many people are soaked up in the spirit of Christmas shopping sprees, hunting for presents to be given to family members and friends, some even beautify their houses, inside and outside, with bright   sparkling  decorative lighting, whipping up Christmas goodies... There is nothing wrong with all these activities, after all it is  once a year celebration, especially for those who can well afford to usher in a new year. Still I hope that  we can   remember this "cheerful smile, friendly word, sympathetic  nod" to be given to  those  who need our "heart gifts" !  May this Christmas be the start of  our giving them away  without reservation.


  1. Betty I love your blogs they are lovely

  2. Betty your blogs are beautiful and so filled with good information and poems! i love it and enjoy reading it!
